hscovar - Calculation of Covariance Between Markers for Half-Sib Families
The theoretical covariance between pairs of markers is
calculated from either paternal haplotypes and maternal linkage
disequilibrium (LD) or vise versa. A genetic map is required.
Grouping of markers is based on the correlation matrix and a
representative marker is suggested for each group. Employing
the correlation matrix, optimal sample size can be derived for
association studies based on a SNP-BLUP approach. The
implementation relies on paternal half-sib families and
biallelic markers. If maternal half-sib families are used, the
roles of sire/dam are swapped. Multiple families can be
considered. Wittenburg, Bonk, Doschoris, Reyer (2020) "Design
of Experiments for Fine-Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in
Livestock Populations" <doi:10.1186/s12863-020-00871-1>.
Carlson, Eberle, Rieder, Yi, Kruglyak, Nickerson (2004)
"Selecting a maximally informative set of single-nucleotide
polymorphisms for association analyses using linkage
disequilibrium" <doi:10.1086/381000>.